
Today maybe I shouldn’t even write anything. Today I feel tired and overwhelmed. I dream about us (by us I mean everyone, I guess) getting to a place where we have more compassion and understanding, but instead it seems like we keep moving farther and farther away from that. Why isn’t it possible to just assume other people know what’s best for their own lives and let them make their own decisions? If they make the wrong one (or what we consider “wrong”), they’ll live with the consequences. Why instead do so many of us feel the need to force others to do what we would do or what we think is correct? Why can’t we understand that unless we have walked in another’s shoes and lived their lives, we aren’t in a position to make decisions for them? The Jesus I learned about was full of so much more compassion than those today who claim to follow his teachings. Bye, Roe v. Wade. It’s a new day in America.


How to Control Your Temper


Anger as a strength